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Support True North

True North Classical Academy grows stronger each year due to the generous volunteer and financial support of parents, grandparents, faculty, staff, and friends. Each year, a portion of the budget must be met through donated funds. We invite you to join our culture of giving. Consider how and to what extent you can donate your talent, time, and treasures to help True North Classical Academy provide children in grades K through 9 an extraordinary classical education.

Your thoughts, encouragement and financial support really do make a difference in the life of the School.

Below is a list of ways you can support True North Classical Academy:

  • Annual Fund Campaign: The annual fund campaign includes annual unrestricted gifts designated for school operating expenses. These gifts help True North to continue to offer our students with the best education possible.
  • Annual Gala: The True North Gala is an annual event bringing together True North families, friends, elected leaders, and the community in support of our Mission. Funds raised at the Gala will be used to ensure True North continues to be a beacon of what is possible in education.