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Charter School

Charter schools are tuition-free public schools created through an agreement or “charter” typically between the school and the local district school board. This agreement gives the charter school a measure of expanded freedom relative to traditional public schools in return for a commitment to higher standards of accountability. Since 1996, Florida charter schools have played a key role in increasing options in public education and providing innovative learning opportunities for students.

What does this mean for schools?

Charter schools are granted greater autonomy and flexibility in exchange for greater accountability. This means that charter schools are able to respond to the needs of individual students while staying focused on their mission and the unique program they offer. The school is locally operated by a governing board to fulfill a specific niche in the educational community. At True North Classical Academy, we are passionate about providing a classical education to our students, and every decision we make is about ensuring we stay true to our mission and vision.

What does this mean for parents?

Parents are able to make decisions about the type of educational programs that are best for their children. Not all children learn in the same way, and a wider selection of educational approaches and programs provides more chances for students to excel. In addition, charter schools can be more responsive to the needs of families, allowing parents to feel more involved and influential in the life of the school. Parents of True North Classical Academy will be thrilled that their children can benefit from a world-class education at a public school, which previously was only available in expensive, exclusive private schools.

What does this mean for districts?

Charter schools provide more choice and unique educational programs to families living in the school district. The charter contract allows the district to monitor that the school is meeting criteria such as ensuring students are safe and learning. The district is able to hold the schools accountable to the standards of the contract throughout the length of the charter.